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Water Receptacle

-   Water trap or water harvesting is a method known and implemented for centuries. Both collecting of rain waters flowing from downspouts into a barrel and constructing of a dam are water harvesting methods.

-   Throughout these pages, you will have knowledge of a new water harvesting method called “Water Receptacle”.

-   "Water Receptacle" represents a method, retarding the loss in moisture of soil.

-   A pit is drilled at 1,5mt depth on an agricultural land. It is covered with a water repellent material up to a height of 60 – 70cm from the bottom, then it is filled with sand and ground cover is spreaded over it. By this way a “water receptacle” filled with sand, namely a water trap is formed under the ground cover. This retains and stores the rain water, penetrating into soil and flowing into underground waters especially in winter times, and delays dehydration of soil during dry seasons. If water receptacles are designed in correct volume and at exact depth by considering the season and soil needs of relevant region, it prevents dehydration of soil in a season not receiving rain for 2 or 2,5 months.

-   Point where sapling will be planted is determined and pits are dug at 1,5mt depth at intervals thereabouts or to a distance, but not on this point. Bottom of pits (60 – 75cm) are covered with a water repellent material and filled with coarse sand then with fine sand to be spreaded over the layer of coarse sand. And the remaining part (75 – 80cm) is covered with ground cover. Residual soil is hilled in a manner to form a slope towards locality where water receptacles are apparent and compacted. Thus, “water receptacles” are built-up under the ground cover.

-   The furthermost “water receptacle” should be at a distance of projection to which branches of our tree would reach after 15 years and the nearest “water receptacle” should be at a distance where taproots would not reach. "Water Receptacles" should become frequent at the north part, thus we should make use of shadow during long periods of drought. Frequency, quantity, total volume and depth of pits are calculated based on some factors like depth of plant root to be grown, how much water to be consumed, season, rainfall and number of  drought days of region. These factors vary for each sapling type, region, season and soil needs.

-  Planting is made after “water receptacles” have been set.